I had to stop in to “Sudbury Farms” in Sudbury to grab a couple of items. For you uninitiated, this is an upscale, and overpriced supermarket, with a goofy name. The only “farm” here is the “money farm”, because you’ll need a tractor load of cash to shop here…
So, lucky for me, my purchase of 3 bagels was slightly under $10, and I just happened to have a $10 bill in my wallet. I took out the bill, and when the cashier told me the total, I handed him the bill. He looked at it, and said “how do you want to pay tonight”?
I’m just wondering: has he never seen cash before?

Is this what society has come to: all plastic all the time? It seems that the use of cash has gone the way of being able to actually count back change.
What would Alexander Hamilton think?
I get the critical in your blog title, but "palate"? Seriously, bagels from a grocery store. Forget the poor kid's automatic response, don't you know better?
First of all, we were squeezed for time, and second, Sudbury Farms sells "Finagle a Bagel" bagels.
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