Thursday, May 21, 2009

One from Column A

Good evening Palateers...On June 19, 2009 at midnight, Jordan Rich will once again be graciously hosting me on his food show. This go-round, we'll be talking Asian cuisine. More so than any other food, this resonates with me. I feel like I was raised at the base of the Great Wall of China. Whether "House of Roy" or "Chef Chang's", Chinese food and I go hand in hand like "white" and "rice."

Over the next month, I'll be sampling the gourmet delights of the local Asian establishments. There are plenty out here in the hinterlands, but I'll be traveling a little as well. That's where you come in.

I'm inviting all of you to contribute your ideas about places I should try. Obviously, it has to be geographically possible, but feel free to throw out the names and addresses of your favorite places, and maybe I'll get in to try it.

Feel free to email me at:

I look forward to hearing from you.

And ss Confucious says..."that wasn't chicken!"